
Arts and Crafts/Folklore
Fine arts and crafts and folk documents (original) stored in this museum. Personal donations make up the majority of them.

Lined costume in BINGATA dyeing.

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Lined costume in BINGATA dyeing.


This is a winter lined costume for women. It is called WATANSU, and it was worn over DUJIN and KAKAN. Different BINGATA stencils were used for dyeing outer material and lining. A technique called OBOROGATA (using 2 stencils and dye on sky blue colored material) was used to dye the outer material. It features connected running patterns of lozenge-shape, Japanese apricots, maple leaves, pine trees and birds along with hand-drawn lines in Indian ink. This pink-colored lining has maple trees and little flowers patterns.

Data ListNational Treasure: Ryukyu King Sho Family Related Documents
Document Code05000012

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